Simard's Wellness Chocolate 

Pourquoi nos produits sont-ils si bons ?

June 11, 2014

Why ChocoNat chocolate is different... *We have “The Wellness Chocolate”…it is delicious, and GOOD for you! *The chocolate is RAW, and created with a cold-press process…this   preserves the nutritional values. *It is organic…there are no preservatives and you are avoiding consuming chemicals and pesticides. *ChocoNat uses FAIR TRADE cacao beans…you will not be contributing to child labor & slavery *We care about the environment, and one way we show it is we partner in reforestation… *10 trees are planted with every purchase. Why Fair Trade? Unfortunately most of the world’s chocolate production includes child labor & slavery, and if you’re not eating fair trade chocolate, you’re probably contributing to these problems somewhere in the world. This is never the case when you enjoy ChocoNat. Fair Trade not only ensures that not child slavery is used, but that farmers are paid fairly for their work, helping them to live up to decent human standards. It also allows them to make a living without having to clear cut precious forest settings. And by keeping cacao in its natural forest setting, the trees produce more nutritious beans. Full circle: with fair trade, you benefit in more ways than one. From Choconat’s darkest chocolate, “Brut”, to their special “Berries” and “Probiotic” chocolates, Choconat provides an outstanding chocolate experience that you can indulge in…guilt free. Choconat: The Wellness Chocolate Yes! Chocolate for improved health and purely delicious too! Choconat : an exceptional, high quality chocolate with unique properties. Choconat is made according to the Belgian Chocolate making standards, (actually even better) with a delicious, famous taste that will make chocolate lovers very happy. Yet Choconat is not only a pleasure chocolate... Choconat is an organic chocolate, containing 72% and more in cocoa in its raw state (unroasted). The preserved natural benefits: Choconat is an organic product without any chemical addition and without gluten. We select the best cocoa beans on the market and make sure that nothing alters either its taste or its well-known natural benefits. Choconat is made from raw (not roasted) cocoa beans, and without any alkalizing process, which guarantees its content in minerals and antioxidants: Choconat is 7 times richer in antioxidants than a roasted cocoa chocolate: Antioxidants are indispensable for fighting against aging; they are beneficial to the heart, the brain, blood circulation and skin. Take full advantage of the food which is the richest in active antioxidants in all of the food chain! Extra benefits of our recipe: More than 300 nutritious elements in a chocolate-that is exceptional! What makes Choconat exceptional? Following a patented process, we incorporate the active antioxidants of carefully and selected berries and fruits. Choconat also contains probiotics, which are natural actives that contribute to your well being (digestion, immune system). The chocolate encapsulates and protects probiotics so they will be progressively released, for your own sake, without affecting the chocolate taste. Every daily ration of pleasure (30 grams max) will be good for you. Why is our product unique? Pleasure should not harm, so Choconat commits itself: Choconat is distributed within the framework of fair trade. Men who cultivate those precious beans receive a decent salary, and are paid 5 times better than in the conventional cocoa culture. -Choconat contributes to the Rain Forest Program: 1 box purchased=1 replanted tree in the Amazonian forest. Nature brings us all its benefits; it’s up to us to preserve it! Take pleasure by tasting this chocolate, without feeling guilty, it is made for your own good. Contrary to industrial chocolate, it will contribute to your well-being: - 7 times richer in antioxidants than roasted cocoa - contains more than 300 nutritious elements - enriched with well known active antioxidants from berries and fruits - contains probiotics, natural actives which improve digestion and strengthens the immune system. Your daily ration of Choconat will be good for you…and for the planet: Distributes in the framework of fair-trade Contributes to reforestation: 1 box bought, 1 tree replanted. *Cold-processed, raw, organic cocoa, açai berry, and maqui berry. *High levels of antioxidants. *No caffeine, preservatives, fillers, waxes, processed sugar, gluten or trans-fats! Reasons to eat dark chocolate with Açai berry: *Full of antioxidants *Caffeine free *Diabetic friendly *High in fiber *Boosts sense of well-being *Increases energy TASTES GREAT! Your superior taste and high standards are about to be rewarded!

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