Simard's Wellness Chocolate 

Réduit la tension Artérielle!

Des bienfaits ont été démontrés dans pas moins de 35 recherches indépendantes sur le chocolat et le cacao. Une consommation journalière de 16.4g de chocolat noir Activ-Cacao ou 4.5g poudre de cacao Boost Activ-Cacao pendant deux semaines contribue à un maintien à niveau de la tension artérielle. * * En combinaison avec un régime équilibré et un style de vie sain Bienfaits possibles de ChocoNat Activ-Cacao™
Pression artérielle
  • Contribue au maintien et favorise une pression artérielle normale
  • Contribue au maintien d’une pression artérielle saine
  • Contribue au maintien à niveau de la pression artérielle
  • Contribue au maintien de votre pression artérielle à un niveau normal
Circulation sanguine
  • Contribue au maintien d’une circulation sanguine saine
  • Contribue au maintien de la santé vasculaire en réduisant l’oxydation et le mauvais cholestérol
  • Contribue au maintien d’une activité plaquettaire saine, ce qui favorise une bonne circulation sanguine et des vaisseaux sanguins sains
[learn_more caption="Références Scientifiques"] Balzer J, Rassaf T, Heiss C, Kleinbongard P, Lauer T, Merx M, Heussen N, Gross HB, Keen CL, Schroeter H, Kelm M, 2008. Sustained benefits in vascular function through flavanol-containing cocoa in medicated diabetic patients a double-masked, randomized, controlled trial. J Am Coll Cardiol, 51, 2141-2149. Corti, R., A. Flammer, N. K. Hollenberg and T. Lüscher (2009). "Cocoa and cardiovascular health." Circulation 119: 1433-1441. Davison K, Coates AM, Buckley JD, Howe PR, 2008. Effect of cocoa flavanols and exercise on cardiometabolic risk factors in overweight and obese subjects. Int J Obes (Lond), 32, 1289-1296. Ding EL, Hutfless SM, Ding X, Girotra S, 2006. Chocolate and prevention of cardiovascular disease: a systematic review. Nutr Metab (Lond), 3, 2. Engler MB, Engler MM, Chen CY, Malloy MJ, Browne A, Chiu EY, Kwak HK, Milbury P, Paul SM, Blumberg J, Mietus-Snyder ML, 2004. Flavonoid-rich dark chocolate improves endothelial function and increases plasma epicatechin concentrations in healthy adults. J Am Coll Nutr, 23, 197-204. Faridi Z, Njike VY, Dutta S, Ali A, Katz DL, 2008. Acute dark chocolate and cocoa ingestion and endothelial function: a randomized controlled crossover trial. Am J Clin Nutr, 88, 58-63. Flammer AJ, Hermann F, Sudano I, Spieker L, Hermann M, Cooper KA, Serafini M, Luscher TF, Ruschitzka F, Noll G, Corti R, 2007. Dark chocolate improves coronary vasomotion and reduces platelet reactivity. Circulation, 116, 2376-2382. Grassi, D., G. Desideri, S. Necozione, C. Lippi, R. Casala, G. Properzi, J. Blumberg and C. Ferri (2008). "Blood pressure is reduced and insulin sensitivity increased in glucose-tolerant, hypertensive subjects after 15 days of consuming high-polyphenol dark chocolate." J Nutr 138: 1671-1676. Heiss C, Finis D, Kleinbongard P, Hoffmann A, Rassaf T, Kelm M, Sies H, 2007. Sustained increase in flow-mediated dilation after daily intake of high-flavanol cocoa drink over 1 week. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol, 49, 74-80. Hooper L, Kroon PA, Rimm EB, Cohn JS, Harvey I, Le Cornu KA, Ryder JJ, Hall WL, Cassidy A, 2008. Flavonoids, flavonoid-rich foods, and cardiovascular risk: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Am J Clin Nutr, 88, 38-50. Innes AJ, Kennedy G, McLaren M, Bancroft AJ, Belch JJ, 2003. Dark chocolate inhibits platelet aggregation in healthy volunteers. Platelets, 14, 325-327. McCullough ML, Chevaux K, Jackson L, Preston M, Martinez G, Schmitz HH, Coletti C, Campos H, Hollenberg NK, 2006. Hypertension, the Kuna, and the epidemiology of flavanols. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol, 47 Suppl 2, S103-109; discussion 119-121. Schroeter H, Heiss C, Balzer J, Kleinbongard P, Keen CL, Hollenberg NK, Sies H, Kwik-Uribe C, Schmitz HH, Kelm M, 2006. (-)-Epicatechin mediates beneficial effects of flavanol-rich cocoa on vascular function in humans. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 103, 1024-1029. Taubert, D., R. Roesen, C. Lehmann, N. Jung and E. Schömig (2007). "Effects of low habitual cocoa intake on blood pressure and bioactive nitric oxide." Jama 298: 49-60. Taubert D, Roesen R, Schomig E, 2007. Effect of cocoa and tea intake on blood pressure: a meta-analysis. Arch Intern Med, 167, 626-634. Vlachopoulos C, Aznaouridis K, Alexopoulos N, Economou E, Andreadou I, Stefanadis C, 2005. Effect of dark chocolate on arterial function in healthy individuals. Am J Hypertens, 18, 785-791.   [/learn_more]